If you’ve been tracking my 3 in 30 posts, you will notice that I’ve been slipping farther and farther behind on my monthly goals. For September, the goals I was working on were:
- Bible in 90 Days
- Revision of my novel (and drafting a proposal–snuck that one in there without telling you about it)
- Getting homeschool off to a good start.
You see what I’m doing, right? You probably saw it before I did. Three huge goals. No baby steps. No one day at a time stuff here. Just giant leaps of accomplishment.
Read: I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E.
Used to be, I would just skimp on sleep. But I’ve learned I really can’t function adequately as a mother, a wife–a person–on that kind of lifestyle.
I spent a bit of time this month looking over other people’s 3 in 30 goals. They’ve written things like “drink eight glasses of water a day.” You know, achievable, one-day-at-a-time type goals. Things I should be doing, but I’m not. Things I kick myself about every day.
I don’t really know how to do things on a smaller scale. Ask anyone who really knows me. But I need to learn. So wait until you see my goals for October. I hope I’ll impress you with their do-ableness. I’ve decided to take smaller bites.