Last week did not represent a stellar success in terms of meeting my goals. I’m thankful we can always start again. Over the weekend, busy as it was, somehow the family pulled together and the house returned to a state of calm after boxes and papers and piles everywhere all week long. We had a visit with some dear friends and met their new baby, and another friend visited on Sunday.
A few days ago the much-anticipated snow arrived outside our house. Yesterday afternoon Sprout headed outside to make snow angels.
Joining with Multitudes on Mondays, I’m going to count 1000 gifts in 2012. Today is the first day:
- celebrations
- new life
- old friends
- snow falling
- snow angels
- packing boxes
- a friend’s generosity
- checks on my to-do list
- bright new ideas
- finding balance
- recovery from injury
- hot apple cider
- finding lost items (during the packing purge)
- grateful children
- partnerships
- peace in the midst of chaos
- second chances
- failure as a stepping stone
- strength to start another day
- the mercy of homeschool on Mondays (p.j.s are suitable attire)
And as a final tribute to picking up after failure, I give you this inspirational video, one of my favorites: