Well, this month couldn’t be much worse for my goals. We’ve been running like crazy all over creation for dentist appointments, doctor’s appointments and other such last-minute priorities, and yesterday we packed in a frenzy and took JavaMan to the airport, which was a bit of a saga in itself, but nevertheless, he is off, and has officially completed the first portion of his trip. He’s in the Hong Kong airport as I type this, sipping coffee. His flight departed at 1:30 a.m. (so we all arrived home at 2:00 a.m.). He’ll spend the entire day hanging around the airport and will be boarding another flight into our city around suppertime there–or around the time we’ll be waking up.
All the hustle and bustle and last-minute activity means I just haven’t done much about my goals at all. JavaMan and I were up late almost every night this week, meaning I didn’t get up and get my day off to the start I wanted. Ever.
This has resulted in me feeling very stretched. However, in the midst of it all, I regrouped a little and decided to force myself to slow down and try to actually enjoy homeschool. (I’ll be blogging a little about that later this week.) I also sat down and used the CM Planner (something I can’t possibly misplace or pack in the wrong box or have trouble shoving into a suitcase) to finish planning the next few weeks of homeschool.
Originally, I planned only until December, since we thought we’d be heading back to China before then, and we’ve been taking things more or less one day at a time ever since, in something of a holding pattern. But I decided I had to know what I could pack and what I couldn’t, so I plotted the whole thing out–mostly with a concern for history, since that involves the most books for us–coordinating the following resources:
- Our “spine,” The Story of the World
- Courage and Conquest for additional focus on Canadian history
- Picture books and historical fiction to accompany our lessons and bring history alive. (For example, right now we’ve just finished studying about William Penn’s Holy Experiment, and we’re concurrently reading The Witch of Blackbird Pond
The plan is still pretty optimistic in terms of what we might actually accomplish in the time that’s left, but I think it’s nevertheless doable. We walked to the library today to pick up some of the books we need for this week’s study.
All of that to say, that while I’ve stunk at performing on my goals this month, the month hasn’t been without its successes. I’m trying to think of it this way: now I don’t have to think too hard about what to focus on next month. I can just carry forward all my unmet goals! (Oh dear.)
My goals this month were:
- Getting to bed on time. Fail.
- Get up an hour earlier than everyone else. I’ve been getting up about a half hour to an hour earlier, but I haven’t been disciplined about my mornings at all. I have a little unwritten rule for this time: I do not allow myself to check email, social media or do anything else during this time. Okay, once again: Fail. Completely undisciplined.
- Get back to consistent exercise. Do I have to say it? Fail. I’m not sure exactly what my problem is here. I think I’m bored with the exercise routine I was doing. I really wanted to try Turbo Jam, but the first time I did, I coincidentally started fighting a cold at the same time, and was achy and miserable. Now I can’t bring myself to exercise. I’m going to blame it all on the February blahs. That sounds reasonable doesn’t it? And the busyness? Sounds like I have the makings of a very good excuse here…
I have [sct date=”3/13/2012 21:22″ align=”none” size=”1″] until I see JavaMan again and jetlag has a chance to mess with things. I would like to be more fit and disciplined by then, so that the changes in time zone and routine don’t have a completely devastating effect.
So….if I can pull myself together for this last week and a half of February (doesn’t this seem like the longest month ever?) I’m going to attempt to get my act together and do these three simple things.
Starting with getting to bed on time. It’s 9:39 now. Time to call it a night.